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Colorful Collage Catch-Up!

  Hoping Everyone Had an Enjoyable Spring & Summer! What Have You Seen? Where Have You Been?  I Would Love To Hear All About Your Good Weather Experiences!  I realize life is a series of ups and downs.  I have tried to ride the wave when I can fit in fifteen minutes here and there to appreciate the small moments in life. My Guilty Pleasures Include:  Backyard Bunnies, Flowers, Meeting the Author - Riley Sager, enjoying the fur kids, catching up with the best parents ever, driving halfway to meet a cousin who is more like a real sister for lunch, having a quick coffee with a wonderful friend, visiting an ocean side cove for a tasty lobster roll and a quick stop at the local pond  Enjoy the last days of Summer! I am welcoming in Fall with open arms, as I do each year! 
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Photography by Kristine SPRINGTIME Tulips  Birds  Sunshine New Beginnings Love  Hope  Trust   Committing to Change  Positivity  Freedom Believe Higher Vibrations Honesty Integrity Patience New Opportunities  Inspiration Passion Creativity 


Original Photography by Kristine  COMFORT  Why is it when we think of the word - Comfort  Food comes to mind? Is it the warmth it brings? Is it the company we keep? Is it just the satisfaction of a good meal?  Is it the time we take to prepare the food? Is it the kindness we pour into the one's we are serving? Is it as simple as just being content at home? Whichever answer it is for you It is the correct one  🩵

A Year in Photos

     Happy New Year, Everyone!  Wishing You All a Healthy 2024! 

Catching Up Through Collage

Here, We Are A Few Months Have Passed  Life Moves On As Life Does Using Collage To Mark Captured Moments of Time  A Yarn Project of Sorts  Visiting a Local Breakfast Cafe A Creative Weekend Get Away Celebrating The Best Mom (& Dad)  Ever Welcoming in the Summer Months with a Great Friend Capturing the Essence of Childhood Bonds A Surprise Bunny Family Photographs of the Best Furries Friends Anyone Could Ask For & Enjoying a Short Trip of Solitude at the Local Pond    I would love to hear of your Summer Finds, Memories, Traditions  What have you captured this past Spring and Summer?  Until We Connect Again! 

2023 Refresh

Happy New Year ~ Happy Valentine's Day ~ Happy Collage Refresh  A Quarterly Catchup Through Collages  ***** Great Day Out With A Best Friend  Photos With Miniatures Nature Shining Bright  An Unforgettable Sunset  Playing With Lines Across The Sky A Book Exchange Across The Pond Miniatures, A Birthday With Family & Pets A Nature Sanctuary, a Historical Homestead & a Turtle Another Year Older & Discovering New Parts of Town I would love to hear what you have been up in 2023?  Visiting Family & Friends? Exploring New Places? Finding New Books You Like?  I am ready to listen!   

A Year In Photos

A YEAR IN PHOTOS  I would like to share the past six months in collages with all of you. The first six months can be found in a prior blog post,  if you are interested in viewing the first half of the year. 2002 - Another Year of Memories   A Few Thoughts I Have Been Working On ... A New Office - In Nature Making Plans With Family & Friends  Finding New Places To Explore  Expanding My Music Taste  Books to Read  Blog Posts to Create  Creating Lists of Where I Have Been and What I Would Like To See  Photography Projects Creating New Traditions Researching New Coffee Shops and Bookstores to Enjoy What Do You Have Planned for the New Year?        Happy New Year, Everyone!  Wishing You All - Health & Happiness XO