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Showing posts from May 9, 2021

A Backyard Story

    Original Photography by Kristine  It all began last Spring, when Covid forced many of our lives to change.  A make shift office with a window that became a moving postcard each day.  A pane of glass that offered such calm during uncertain times.  Cottontail Rabbits, House Finches, American Robins, Gray Squirrels and Eastern Chipmunks working through their days, gathering food to survive. Some would run across the lawn, while others were swooping in and out and others just taking in the sounds that would catch their attention.   Each Spring, the Cottontails make a home under our backyard shed. I have made it a practice to photograph each family that become renters for a short time and then continue on.  The collage above is our newest guest - So Young, Precious and Curious. Such a treat for us to view nature playing out right infront of us.