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Showing posts from September 1, 2024

Colorful Collage Catch-Up!

  Hoping Everyone Had an Enjoyable Spring & Summer! What Have You Seen? Where Have You Been?  I Would Love To Hear All About Your Good Weather Experiences!  I realize life is a series of ups and downs.  I have tried to ride the wave when I can fit in fifteen minutes here and there to appreciate the small moments in life. My Guilty Pleasures Include:  Backyard Bunnies, Flowers, Meeting the Author - Riley Sager, enjoying the fur kids, catching up with the best parents ever, driving halfway to meet a cousin who is more like a real sister for lunch, having a quick coffee with a wonderful friend, visiting an ocean side cove for a tasty lobster roll and a quick stop at the local pond  Enjoy the last days of Summer! I am welcoming in Fall with open arms, as I do each year!