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The Real Me ...


Love dark colored nail polish, all year round
Feel my true self in a pair of jeans, nice top and dress shoes/boots
 Crave having another dog - Even though I enjoy my cats
Aspiring to give to charity on a regular basis
Draw writing/photography ideas on napkins in restaurants
 Could eat a chocolate chip cookie -Anytime
Ideal night - Dinner and a movie
I have never dyed my hair
Do not enjoy speaking of politics or religion
Sense of direction is not the best


  1. I'd follow you anywhere to share that chocolate chip cookie, but my sense of direction isn't that good either. :-)

    1. Deborah -- It sounds like we would get along, Just Fine :) Thanks for visiting!

  2. I crave another dog and love red nail polish all year round. Great share thanks.

    1. Hi Karen -- Thanks for visiting and commenting -- Yes, When we find a color/shade we like, it does not become seasonal - LoL - And I agree, animals make a house a home!

  3. I'm always craving more dogs and cats! I'm especially bonkers about getting more kitties - but am thrilled right now with the ones we have. Love your list!

    1. Hi Harmony - Yes - Animals seem to make everything better - I believe I will always have them - Thanks for visiting and commenting ...

  4. Love your variety! I too like painted nails but just my toes. Am giving them a "polish free" breather for the next little while but will slap the colour back on once Spring springs. Love the honesty too of not enjoying talking about religion or politics - I'm right there with you on that point! And am also with you on the pet front. Have both a rabbit and a dog and the accompanying fur! Yup - animals do make a house a home!

    1. Hi Kelly -- Thank you so much for visiting -- Painted nails always make me feel better, no matter what time of the year it is -- I feel the more honest I am the more readers can relate to me -- I love connecting w similar minded creatives -- So happy to hear from you!

  5. 1,3,4,6,7,9,10 are my things too! I love wearing a dress and I' m not a writer, and my hair color is slightly darker than my natural, but hey, that's more than 50% similarity! lol! Love your list! ☺

    1. Hi Sonja !!! So great to hear from you -- I love hearing of our similarities and differences ... So glad we are friends Xo

  6. and then another voice pops up and says, "Hey! What about ME?" (referring to the quote). :)


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