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Whimsical Wednesday ...

The girl in this picture represents how I feel each time I find a new way to become creative. This has always been a part of me but I was too afraid to fail. As I get older, my attitude has changed. If I fail, what difference does it make? Who is going to grade me? I should be doing things that fulfill me, for me. I have to say, getting older is freeing. I feel the most comfortable in my own skin at this age, than ever before. A "Take Me As I Am" way of thinking has given me clarity - Humbling, Really. At what stage of life have you become your true self?


  1. Still on the look-out!!!! My adventures creating are leading me somewhere?? To Be Continued! love & light Debix

  2. Debi - I think we are all "on the lookout" - Isn't that what life is all about?


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